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About our film

 Today I will talk about our film. We are going to talk about Who will be in the film, Where it will be, How it be made, and When we think we will be able to film. So lets get with this information about our film.

Who will be in our film?

The people in my group are:
  • Ethan 
  • Mayera 
  • Xena 
This was my choice because I wanted to be in a group with people who are cognizant of what they are doing. Sometimes I zone out when people are explaining something to me so sometimes I don’t know exactly what to do. They are also love to keep high grades and they keep me on task when I tend to slack off. Sometimes I know what I'm doing and am able to tell them what I remember hearing.

What will we be doing?

We will be doing a horror film. At first , I made the suggestion of doing horror comedy but when we were researching there were barely any horror comedies that were easy to find and horror movies kept popping up. Some shots/scenes will not follow the conventions of horror because we wanted something unique. When we were thinking, we thought following the conventions of other movies would just make it look basic. We want it to be somewhat unique but at the same time not unique. An example is we want a flash-forward which doesnt happen in horror movies unless it’s horror/sci-fi (bird box would be a great example of this). A common thing to do is a flashback since it can show many things about the killer or main character. 

Where will we be doing this? 

We decided that we should make our opening scene at the park. The park we chose has a bug space and it has things we could use. Also it’ll help us in our credits because we can do literally anything in a wide space. The park is close to my house and will barely anyone goes there. I’ve been to this park lots of times and there many other parks nearby just in case we need something but can’t do it at that exact park. 

How will it be made?

We all have phones so it’s going to be recorded on our phones. We also have to bring/buy put on props so we have to think about our budget so we don’t over spend on unnecessary things. As told in many other blogs I typed, the budget of the film is the most important thing and who is providing the money. Once you know that then most of everything (money wise) is really easy. We also are going to find some audio by going on YouTube and we could create some of our own sounds if we really need it. We want dramatic sounds to build tension and make it more suspenseful. We also might just use our phones to record because we aren’t recording in school which will make the schedule harder since we have to meet up and our parents don’t like us out that often.

When it will be made?

We have not yet started scheduling our film dates because we still have things to work on and improvise. We do know that we either film before spring break or after spring break. If it’s after it’ll be really good since we need like a week break so we aren’t too stressed out about making a good portfolio. We also have to make sure when we film that our portfolio is something that’s not boring.


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