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Post Production week

 Hello welcome back to my blog. Today we are going to talk about how the process we are currently going through.

Our process

The process that we are going through is very stressful yet it fulfills us with joy. After we finished the script, storyboard, and every other item in the process of starting film, ideas started to emerge in our minds. Instead of flash forward we thought of doing a flashback and instead of recording in this area we will record here. Just lots of ideas starting to form that we would re-look our own script. I feel this normal. For example, when your writing an essay or going to order food you wouldn't have too many ideas at first but when actually are doing you start having many ideas. We actually started film on Wednesday February 23 but we didn’t finished and had to redo it. It was so stressful to shot because of distractions and other people who didn’t know of then project just coming up and asking questions or just watching in general. 

Most current 

Currently (March 16th), we are about to make sure to reshoot because we were given a better concept and are looking for a day to reshoot. Since we are about to get into spring break, we’ll be making sure that straight after school on the first day back we would make sure to record. The film concept is now going to be wear the clown sees everyone and follows everyone yet everyone cant see the clown. This should give it a more better mysterious and thriller vibe. Though this will be stressful, I feel like this would come out good if we make sure to minimize the distractions.


As of today (April 3th), We have submitted our opening scene. The stress is somewhat relived but we still have things to do to finish that have to do with our portfilo. 

Our editing 

I would like to say that no of us are good editors. But there are 2/4 people that are quite good at editing. It is hard to edit when your not that good at it. So I would say this was the part of the process requires us all to put our hard work and focus so we can finish efficiently. Since we wanted it to be better, over the weekend our group member Mayera edited the video and made something somewhat good 


Recording is fun yet we have distractions. We use our phones to record so we have to have storage and good quality. So we used our group members Mayera's phone. We kept a serious tone


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